Tree Hugger Sponsorship, Kiwanis Wallas Park

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Tree Hugger Sponsorship, Kiwanis Wallas Park

Tree Hugger Sponsorship, Kiwanis Wallas Park
Tree Hugger Sponsorship, Kiwanis Wallas Park

Home / Shop

Tree Hugger Sponsorship, Kiwanis Wallas Park

Model Number: Tree-Hugger-Sponsorship-Kiwanis-Wallas-Park
Missing Option: In Honor of OR In Memory of?
In Honor of OR In Memory of?
  • In Honor
  • In Memory
Missing Option: Name of honoree
Name of honoree
Desired Text for the Plaque (maximum of 4 lines, 34 characters per line)
Where would you like the tree certificate mailed?
Maximum quantity exceeded
Minimum purchase amount of 0 is required
Maximum purchase amount of 0 is allowed
A one-time price of $195.00 will be added to your order.
Manufacturer: Blossoms of Hope
  • Description

Sponsorship includes naming rights on your individual Kwanzan cherry tree with a personalized tree hugger plaque that wraps your tree with virtual arms, and a certificate of participation.